
Development proposal

A development initiative by

About the area

The supermarket application lodged by NeuBau Group is being proposed for the rural township of Palmwoods — a town known for its distinct heritage character.

Being located along the North Coast railway line, Palmwoods, and its surrounding rural communities comprise a population of approximately 16,570.

The town of Palmwoods is identified by the Sunshine Coast Planning Scheme as a “local (full service) activity centre”, meaning that it’s earmarked to provide a wide range of convenience goods and services, including a full-line supermarket.

About the application

Full-line supermarket

This application seeks approval for a full-line supermarket and a single shop tenancy (being a bottle shop). If approved, the supermarket would be leased by Coles

NeuBau Group has specifically chosen to exclude specialty shops in the design to provide the choice, convenience, and competition of a full-line supermarket without detracting from other retail offerings within the Palmwoods town centre.

This approach allows for the satisfaction of the community’s needs without adverse consequences on other centre uses in the locality.

The proposed supermarket comprises a single building well setback from the site’s frontage with a maximum height of 8.5 metres.

A total of 198 car spaces including 6 spaces for people with disabilities and ample space for motorbikes and bicycles.

The building design provides for a built form that interprets and articulates a localised response to Palmwoods’ character and rich history.

01 — Entry

Palmwoods supermarket plan

02— Master plan

Palmwoods supermarket artists impression

03— Artist impression

How it will benefit you

The community

The proposed supermarket will greatly add to the range of retail facilities and services that will be available to existing and future residents.

The site occupies a high-profile and an easily accessible location for the existing and future local resident population.

The proposed development will significantly improve choice of location for local residents and support price competition for groceries.

In total, approximately 559 jobs are likely to be created both directly and indirectly, including a number of youth employment opportunities with retail developments generally employing a large number of younger staff.  

Palmwoods supermarket - community
Palmwoods supermarket - elderly woman

Frequently asked questions

  • The existing townhouse approval will fall away once it lapses because it exists over the same parcel of land and both developments cannot be built on said parcel.

    The townhouse approval cannot and will not be simply moved to another part of the property.

  • Coles is the proposed tenant for the supermarket. NeuBau Group is the owner and developer of the site and proposed supermarket.

  • The developer is NeuBau Group - a locally-based, family-owned business headed up by Timothy Reed who stems from a well known local family of developers and philanthropists.

  • The application includes a component to subdivide the supermarket site off from the balance of the property. The balance area will simply remain in the Rural zone and is not intended, nor is it suitable, for urban development.

  • The only proposed change to the local road network is the inclusion of a roundabout on Palmwoods Montville Road at the intersection of the site access into the Coles development and Churchill Street. Amongst other things, it is believed that this new roundabout will make the Churchill Street intersection safer and more convenient to navigate.

  • The supermarket development will occur on a newly created, flat development pad site completely devoid of any environmental features. The development will include modern stormwater management devices to collect and treat any potential contaminants stemming from the development itself before the water enters the adjacent natural systems. Therefore, the development will not have any adverse impacts on the environment.

  • No, the finished ground level of the development site will be above the known flood levels for this locality and have been determined in accordance with flood studies that were approved under the Court Order for the 55 townhouse development and which remain appropriate and relevant for the supermarket development.

  • There is a clear and unsatisfied need for a full-line supermarket in Palmwoods. The supermarket will proceed to construction as soon as practically possible, once approved. Construction would take approx. 12 months.

  • You can email your words of support directly to Council on and make sure you include the application reference number in the subject line, which is: MCU23/0178


    For your convenience, we have prepared a template letter to assist with your submission of support – just use the link below to download the Word document. When you have completed the submission, simply email it to Council on with the application reference number in the subject line (MCU23/0178).

    Template letter

Still curious?

Download the application documents or reach out to us directly using the form below.

Contact us.

If you’d like to contact us seeking further information, or if you have any comments about the proposal, reach out and send us a message.